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Marquee Dayclub Table Reservation Prices

3708 Las Vegas Blvd S, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Night Clubs, Pool Parties & Events

Marquee Dayclub Table Reservation Prices

Use promo code "Sheets" at Checkout
Hotel/Rooms Floor Plan Bottle Menu Guest List

Getting on the guest list and booking your hotel room for Marquee Nightclub is easy. Simply include your information, date you want to attend, and how many people in your party and SHEETS does the rest. Being on our guest list gets you the following benefits:

  • Tap Reservation Inquiry to fill out the guest list
  • Use Promo Code SHEETS for discounts
  • Ladies typically get free entrance and free drink tickets.
  • Men may get reduced cover charge or free entrance with an even ratio of women in their group, or more women than men in their group. 
  • Men and women skip the general admission line.
  • The guest list entry is always determined by the venue and is not guaranteed, buying tickets are guaranteed.  For special events and performances, Marquee Dayclub may limit the guest list or not have a guest list at all. Please arrive early.
  • If you choose to buy tickets direct from Marquee dayclub website, use promo code SHEETS to get $5 off at checkout. if not tap/click this button to buy tickets or Tap VIP Packages and get on the guest list. 
  • Marquee Dayclub guestlist and tickets

Once you have signed up on our list, show up to the venue at 10:30 am and check in at the guest list area located on the right side of the club entrance. Simply tell them you are on the list under SHEETS.

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Las Vegas Nightclubs


Read more about how hotel reservations work with SHEETS VIP. Frequently asked questions can be found here. We look forward to serving your accomidations.

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Marquee Dayclub Table Reservation Prices in Las Vegas:

Marquee Dayclub Table reservation prices usually include a private table for guests, including mixers of the guest's choice such as orange juice, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, and soda water. Bottle service is reserved through a VIP host or an Independent Licensed company such as SHEETS VIP, who will make sure that guests have a good night. Your reservation will also include a model cocktail waitress who will serve you all night, a security guard that oversees your section, and a busser who will keep your table clean and replace ice and used glassware.

Marquee Dayclub Prices and DJ'S Calendar Events!

  • VICE
  • Goldfish
  • Crespo
  • Tap the calendar events above for table prices for each DJ performing as table reservation prices may vary from DJ to DJ. 

The Marquee Dayclub pool is a Las Vegas Strip pool that features three-story Bungalow Lofts, complete with cabana, living quarters, grand Las Vegas pool cabanas with infinity pools, and a party deck on top.  Like Sheets VIP and stay up to date with all of Marquee Dayclub pool events and Marquee Dayclub Table Reservation Prices with bottle service.  For more information please contact Sheets of Las Vegas.   We at SHEETS VIP are happy to provide a Marquee Dayclub floor plan to help show seating areas.  By pre-paying for bottle services before you and your party arrive ensures your table will be ready for your arrival.  Marquee day club dome party table reservation is Las Vegas' best winter pool party.  The Dome Party Table Reservation and Prices at Marquee Dayclub, contact SheetsVIP today for updated table prices and reservations.  Winters biggest events start at Marquee dayclub dome party.

Example of Marquee Dayclub Table Reservation Total Price Break Down of Your Bill!

Marquee Dayclub Table Reservation Exclusive 3k Bottle Service Package at Marquee pool party in the Cosmopolitan. 

  • Venue: Marquee Pool
  • Event Date: Sunday, July 4th, 2021
  • Arrive by: 1:00pm
  • Guests: 10
  • Pricing Detail for One Item
  • Item Name: Prime Daybed
  • Subtotal: $3,000.00
  • Admin Fee: $270.00
  • Selected Gratuity: $600.00
  • Sales Tax: $273.86
  • Pay Now: $4,143.86

Marquee Dayclub Promo Code "SHEETS" For Discounted Tickets

How Much is Marquee Table Prices

How Much are Marquee Dayclub Table Prices and General Admission? See Below for each day of the week prices and location within Marquee Dayclub.

  • Marquee Dayclub is closed Monday to Thursday.  Admission to Marquee Dayclub on the weekend general admission is usually around $20 for girls, $50 for guys. The price depends on the talent though and is always subject to change.
  •  It recommended to Call or Text Us for Current Table Prices and Availability.  725-218-1777

Friday at Marquee Dayclub Table Prices:

  • Daybeds $1,000
  • Bungalows $2,000 - $4,000
  • Grand Cabanas $5,000 - $7,000
  • Plus Sales Tax and Gratuity 


Saturday at Marquee Dayclub Table Prices:

  • Main Room/Indoor Tables $500 per 5 guests
  • Daybeds $2,000 - $4,000
  • Bungalows $5,000 - $7,000
  • Grand Cabanas $8,000 - $10,000
  • Plus Sales Tax and Gratuity


Sunday at Marquee Dayclub Table Prices:

  • Daybeds $500
  • Bungalows $1,000 - $2,000
  • Grand Cabanas $3,000 - $4,000
  • Plus Sales Tax and Gratuity
  • ++ Means Plus Sales Tax, Waitress Tip & Service Fees
  • *We have No Hidden Fees in our total prices
  • *Daybeds - 8 ppl / Bungalows - 12 ppl / Grand Cabanas - 15ppl  

  • *Manage guest expectations, range in minimum determines table location.

marquee dayclub table reservation prices

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Marquee Dayclub Floor Plan
Marquee Dayclub Grand Cabanas Marquee Dayclub ‪Bungalows Marquee Dayclub Water Daybeds Marquee Dayclub Daybeds/Couches Marquee Dayclub Water Front Tables

Marquee Dayclub Floor Plan

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